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001-es BibID:BIBFORM122721
035-os BibID:(WoS)001168816900001 (Scopus)85192848321
Első szerző:Rosa, Caroline Antunes
Cím:Infrared Spectral Signatures of Nucleobases in Interstellar Ices I: Purines / Caroline Antunes Rosa, Alexandre Bergantini, Péter Herczku, Duncan V. Mifsud, Gergő Lakatos, Sándor T. S. Kovács, Béla Sulik, Zoltán Juhász, Sergio Ioppolo, Heidy M. Quitián-Lara, Nigel J. Mason, Claudia Lage
Megjegyzések:The purine nucleobases adenine and guanine are complex organic molecules that are essential for life. Despite their ubiquitous presence on Earth, purines have yet to be detected in observations of astronomical environments. This work therefore proposes to study the infrared spectra of purines linked to terrestrial biochemical processes under conditions analogous to those found in the interstellar medium. The infrared spectra of adenine and guanine, both in neat form and embedded within an ice made of H2O:NH3:CH4:CO:CH3OH (10:1:1:1:1), were analysed with the aim of determining which bands attributable to adenine and/or guanine can be observed in the infrared spectrum of an astrophysical ice analogue rich in other volatile species known to be abundant in dense molecular clouds. The spectrum of adenine and guanine mixed together was also analysed. This study has identified three purine nucleobase infrared absorption bands that do not overlap with bands attributable to the volatiles that are ubiquitous in the dense interstellar medium. Therefore, these three bands, which are located at 1255, 940, and 878 cm?1, are proposed as an infrared spectral signature for adenine, guanine, or a mixture of these molecules in astrophysical ices. All three bands have integrated molar absorptivity values (?) greater than 4 km mol-1, meaning that they should be readily observable in astronomical targets. Therefore, if these three bands were to be observed together in the same target, then it is possible to propose the presence of a purine molecule (i.e., adenine or guanine) there.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
infrared spectroscopy
interstellar medium
Megjelenés:Life. - 13 : 11 (2023), p. 1-18. -
További szerzők:Bergantini, Alexandre Herczku Péter (1982-) (fizikus) Mifsud, Duncan V. Lakatos Gergő Kovács Sándor T. S. (1986-) (környezetkutató-fizikus) Sulik Béla (fizikus) Juhász Zoltán (fizikus) Ioppolo, Sergio Quitián-Lara, Heidy M. Mason, Nigel J. Lage, Claudia
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