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001-es BibID:BIBFORM122874
Első szerző:Louis Angura (környezetgazdálkodási agrármérnök)
Cím:Spatio-temporal decision uncertainty of selected soil physical parameters can enhance variable rate irrigation / Louis Angura, Dhimas Sigit Bimantara, Tamás Magyar, Erika Buday Bódi, Zsolt Zoltán Fehér
ISSN:2064-7816 2064-9479
Megjegyzések:The effectiveness of crop irrigation via sprinkler systems could be improved by environmental vari- ability inherent to field conditions, thus leading to the sub-optimal irrigation of certain sections. To rectify this discrepancy, in-situ soil characteristics were methodically correlated with the region's hydrological circum- stances and root zone, assigning a distinct level of uncertainty to each decision point. A stochastic geodatabase was then generated, offering prospective applications in precision agriculture. The experimental agricultural field in Nyírbátor, Hungary, served as the reference point, with the constraints posed by variability being surmounted through a dual-layer iteration of random sampling structures employing the sequential Gaussian simulation (SGS) method. For this purpose, 25 physical, 9 chemical, and 11 soil microelements were exam- ined from samples extracted from 105 boreholes in an 85-hectare cornfield while adopting a regular sampling scheme within a 100 x 100 m grid. Each soil parameter estimation underwent the following process: 1. Orga- nization of data and application of exploratory statistics for outlier identification; 2. Normal score transforma- tion; 3. Exploratory variography; 4. Sequential Gaussian simulations, leading to the construction of a series of plausible, equally probable realizations; 5. Computation of medians and the 95% confidence intervals. These methodologies were deployed concerning the soil characteristics, with porosity being selected as the represen- tative soil parameter for the Nyírbátor cornfield. Porosity was our focus physical parameter because the micro and macro soil structures greatly influence the hydraulic characteristics of the soil such as water infiltration, hydraulic conductivity and moisture retention. Comparative assessments of the Hydrus 3D hydrological mod- els of kriged and sequential Gaussian simulation surfaces were conducted. Results highlighted the efficacy of sequential Gaussian simulation in encapsulating the field's heterogeneity, and the accompanying uncertainty served as a decision-making tool in the diversified water application across the field. The results were validated using field data observations of soil moisture in the corn field from 2020 and 2021 respectively and nonethe- less, the uncertainty divergence between the Hydrus outputs unveiled the knowledge deficit concerning actual spatial patterns of soil porosity. The established workflow offers a cost-efficient dynamic methodology for water resource management, potentially curtailing overall irrigation expenditure by variably applying water to parcels based on uncertainty estimates.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Spatio-temporal decision uncertainty
Sequential Gaussian simulation
cost-effective irrigation
Megjelenés:Columella : Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. - 11 : 1 (2024), p. 5-17. -
További szerzők:Bimantara, Dhimas Sigit (1991-) (egyetemi hallgató) Magyar Tamás (1987-) (környezetmérnök) Bódi Erika (1989-) (geológus, geográfus) Fehér Zsolt Zoltán (1984-) (geoinformatika)
Pályázati támogatás:RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00008
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