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001-es BibID:BIBFORM122879
Első szerző:Szörényiné Ványi Gabriella (egyetemi okleveles ápoló)
Cím:The importance of the Onkonetwork system in the care of melanoma patients / Szörényiné Ványi Gabriella, Szigeti Annamária, Repa Imre, Moizs Mariann
Megjegyzések:Te chances of healing and survival for melanoma patients are greatly afected by time. A melanoma detected in stage I can have a 5-year survival rate of up to full survival, while in stage IV it is only about 25%. Time can be lost before a patient sees a specialist afer a suspicious skin lesion has been detected. Te delay is then on the patient's side. However, the patient may also lose time within the care system. Tis can happen in the process of investigation; in the time between diagnosis, and therapeutic decision and initiation of therapy; and in patient follow-up afer the decision has been made. However, most national and international melanoma guidelines and protocols do not regulate the time taken for each process. In our country, the only real oncology patient pathway management system is the Onkonetwork system, introduced in 2015, one of the most signifcant features of which is that it greatly reduces the time patients can lose in the care system. Prior to the introduction of Onkonetwork, the time it took to make an Onko Team decision could range from 0 months to up to 6 months. Now, for patients with suspected melanoma, the frst step is a histological diagnosis, followed by a decision by Onko Team within 30 days of entry into the system. Once a decision has been made, treatment should be started within 14 days if necessary. In addition to overcoming the loss of time, another important feature of the Onkonetwork system is that patients with suspected tumours are screened according to institutional medical protocols. Tis ensures that delays in the care system are signifcantly reduced, with the main benefciary being the patient. Te presentation will describe the process of time management of the Onkonetwork system through the data of 406 confrmed melanoma patients admitted to our institution since 15.07.2015
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idézhető absztrakt
Oncology management
Megjelenés:Népegészségügy. - 98 : 2 (2021), p. 289. -
További szerzők:Szigeti Annamária (1969-) (okleveles ápoló) Repa Imre (1950-) (radiológus) Moizs Marianna (1964-) (orvos)
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