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001-es BibID:BIBFORM122934
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85196161039 (WoS)001249178000001
Első szerző:Uddin, M. S.
Cím:Excitation functions and isomeric cross-section ratios of (d,xn) reactions on 86Sr / Md. Shuza Uddin, Sándor Sudár, M. Shamsuzzoha Basunia, Bernhard Scholten, Stefan Spellerberg, Andrew S. Voyles, Jonathan T. Morrell, Ingo Spahn, Alex Hermanne, Lee A. Bernstein, Bernd Neumaier, Syed M. Qaim
Megjegyzések:Excitation functions of the 86Sr(d,n)87m,87gY, 86Sr(d,2n)86m,86gY and 86Sr(d,3n)85m,85gY reactions on enriched 86Sr target were measured by the activation technique up to deuteron energies of 49 MeV. The isomeric cross-section ratios as a function of projectile energy were deduced from the measured data for 87mY, 87gY(cum), 86mY, 86gY(cum), 85mY and 85gY pairs for the same energy range. All measurements are reported for the first time. The experimental data were compared with the data from the TENDL library which is based on TALYS calculation with default parameters. No satisfactory agreement was observed. Nuclear model calculations were then performed using the codes TALYS and EMPIRE with some parameter adjustments, and compared with the experimental data. The quality of the agreement between experimental data and model calculations was numerically quantified. In general, the data as well as the isomeric cross-section ratios are partially reproduced by the model calculations, provided the input model parameters are properly chosen and the level structure of the product nucleus is thoughtfully considered.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Activation techniques
Default parameters
Deuteron energies
Energy ranges
Excitation function
Isomeric cross-section ratio
Model calculations
Nuclear model calculation
Parameters adjustment
Projectile energy
Megjelenés:The European Physical Journal A. - 60 : 6 (2024), p. 1-16. -
További szerzők:Sudár Sándor (1946-) (fizikus) Basunia, M. S. Scholten, B. Spellerberg, Stephan Voyles, A. S. Morrell, J. T. Spainhower, Kyle B. Hermanne, Alex Bernstein, L. A. Neumaier, Bernd Qaim, Syed M.
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