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001-es BibID:BIBFORM122949
Első szerző:Liu, Jinxing
Cím:Analytical investigation of two-dimensional fuzzy fractional heat problem using a modified approach / Jinxing Liu, Muhammad Nadeem, Ali Hasan Ali, Fawziah M. Alotaibi, Loredana Florentina Iambor
ISSN:1110-0168 2090-2670
Megjegyzések:This paper investigates the analytical fuzzy findings of a two-dimensional fuzzy fractional-ordered heat problem including some source of terms under certain conditions. The Sumudu residual power series scheme (SRPSS) is an innovative novel to deal with the combine form of the Sumudu transform (ST) and the residual power series scheme (RPSS) which efficiently generate analytical results in rapidly converging series forms. The Caputo derivative is applied to model the physical problem. The most notable aspect of this algorithm is its ability to generate results quickly and without difficulty as compared to the conventional RPSS. We present three numerical cases of 2D heat problem with fuzzy fractional order to express the performance and validity of suggested scheme. Graphical analysis from the derived solutions reveals that SRPSS is straightforward, accurate, and suitable to analyze the findings of fuzzy fractional problems.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Sumudu transform
Residual power series scheme
Fuzzy fractional heat equation
Fuzzy solution
Megjelenés:Alexandria Engineering Journal. - 108 (2024), p. 158-168. -
További szerzők:Nadeem, Muhammad Ali, Ali Hasan (1989-) (matematikus) Alotaibi, Fawziah M. Iambor, Loredana Florentina
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