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001-es BibID:BIBFORM123109
Első szerző:Palánkai Emese
Cím:Application of Virtual Production to Upgrade Industrial Production Units / Emese Palánkai, Kornél Sarvajcz
Megjegyzések:Our research work involves the study, analysis and modernisation of the production line of a company that has been operating with traditional systems for a long time with unchanged principles. The paper highlights the use of virtual production as a tool for modernising the company's production processes, providing a comprehensive understanding of its characteristics, advantages and positive impact on process development. The scientific article, after an overview of a selected real production process, describes the steps to build a digital twin for the implementation of virtual manufacturing. It explains in detail the different features and the results obtained in the Tecnomatix Plant Simulation modelling environment used to build the model. After evaluating the simulation, the paper examines the current state of the real process and its overall tool efficiency, and based on the conclusions drawn, it presents a way forward for the development of the production line and the possibilities for further research.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
virtual production
Industry 4.0
Tecnomatix Plant Simulation
digital twin
Megjelenés:Műszaki Tudományos Közlemények. - 20 (2024), p. 54-58. -
További szerzők:Sarvajcz Kornél (1988-) (villamosmérnök, mechatronikai mérnök)
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