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001-es BibID:BIBFORM123142
Első szerző:Dujon, Antoine M.
Cím:The complex effects of modern oncogenic environments on the fitness, evolution and conservation of wildlife species / Antoine M. Dujon, Beata Ujvari, Sophie Tissot, Jordan Meliani, Océane Rieu, Nikita Stepanskyy, Rodrigo Hamede, Jácint Tokolyi, Aurora Nedelcu, Frédéric Thomas
Megjegyzések:Growing evidence indicates that human activities are causing cancer rates to rise inboth human and wildlife populations. This is due to the inability of ancestral anti-cancer defences to cope with modern environmental risks. The evolutionary mismatchbetween modern oncogenic risks and evolved cancer defences has far-reaching ef-fects on various biological aspects at different timeframes, demanding a comprehen-sive study of the biology and evolutionary ecology of the affected species. Firstly, theincreased activation of anti-cancer defences leads to excessive energy expenditure,affecting other biological functions and potentially causing health issues like autoim-mune diseases. Secondly, tumorigenesis itself can impact important fitness-relatedparameters such as competitiveness, predator evasion, resistance to parasites, anddispersal capacity. Thirdly, rising cancer risks can influence the species' life-historytraits, often favoring early reproduction to offset fitness costs associated with can-cer. However, this strategy has its limits, and it may not ensure the sustainability ofthe species if cancer risks continue to rise. Lastly, some species may evolve addi-tional anti-cancer defences, with uncertain consequences for their biology and futureevolutionary path. In summary, we argue that the effects of increased exposure tocancer-causing substances on wildlife are complex, ranging from immediate responsesto long-term evolutionary changes. Understanding these processes, especially in thecontext of conservation biology, is urgently needed.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
environmental change
selective pressure
Megjelenés:Evolutionary Applications. - 17 : 8 (2024), p. 1-12. -
További szerzők:Ujvári Beáta Tissot, Sophie Meliani, Jordan Rieu, Océane Stepanskyy, Nikita Hamede, Rodrigo Tökölyi Jácint (1984-) (biológus) Nedelcu, Aurora M. Thomas, Frédéric
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