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001-es BibID:BIBFORM123301
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85200862951 (WoS)001288126700005
Első szerző:Riznik, Petra
Cím:Uncovering the gap : coeliac disease knowledge among healthcare professionals in the Danube region / Petra Riznik, Ida Carnohorski, Jasmina Dolinsek, Natasa Dragutinovic, Judit Gyimesi, Almuthe Christine Hauer, Martina Klemenak, Ilma Rita Korponay-Szabo, Tomaz Krencnik, Mario Masic, Zrinjka Misak, Vesna Pavkov, Alina Popp, Tatiana Raba, Peter Szitanyi, Jernej Dolinsek
Megjegyzések:Background: Several studies have shown that the knowledge about coeliac disease (CD) is not satisfactory among healthcare professionals (HCP). The aim of our study was to assess the knowledge of HCPs about CD in the Danube region. Methods: HCPs from 8 countries in the Danube region were asked to complete the web-based questionnaire about CD. Scores of HCPs were compared according to their speciality, work experience and country of residence. The results were compared with the results of a similar study conducted in Central Europe within the Focus IN CD project in 2016. Results: Questionnaire was completed by 799 HCPs from Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia. Mean score achieved by HCPs was 52.2%. Paediatric gastroenterologists scored the highest (75.3%). Comparing the data with the study conducted in Central Europe in 2016, we found a significant rise (p < 0.001) in the knowledge of paediatric gastroenterologists. Also, HCPs who previously took part in the Focus IN CD project, achieved higher score (61.1% vs. 50.8%; p < 0.001). Conclusion: The knowledge about CD among HCPs in Danube region is not satisfactory. There has been a significant increase in the knowledge of paediatric gastroenterologists, showing the benefit of various awareness raising activities that were carried out recently.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
coeliac disease
health care professionals
Danube region
Megjelenés:BMC Gastroenterology. - 24 : 1 (2024), p. 1-7. -
További szerzők:Carnohorski, Ida Dolinsek, Jasmina Dragutinovic, Natasa Gyimesi Judit Hauer, Almuthe Christine Klemenak, Martina Korponay-Szabó Ilma (1959-) (gyermekgyógyász) Krencnik, Tomaz Masic, Mario Misak, Zrinjka Pavkov, Vesna Popp, Alina Raba, Tatiana Szitanyi Péter Dolinśek, Jernej
Pályázati támogatás:DTP571 EU Danube Transnational Programme - CD SKILLS
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