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001-es BibID:BIBFORM123469
Első szerző:Khateeb Fatima Riyaz (közgazdász)
Cím:Caught in the Crossfire: How Work-Family Conflict Affects the Lives of Married Nurses in India / Khateeb, Fatima Riyaz
Megjegyzések:Purpose-This research aimed to examine the nature of the relationship between work and life among married nurses in Jammu and Kashmir, India Design/Methodology-A questionnaire with measures for work-family conflict, life satisfaction, and family satisfaction was administered. The nodal agency, Government Medical College (GMC), provided the researcher with a list of nurses and their marital statuses. A sample of 253 nurses was analyzed using simple random sampling from a list of potential 527 nurses. These 253 respondents worked at five major government hospitals. In addition to the work-family measures, questions on age, work experience, job grade, and family type were asked. Findings-The results revealed a significant relationship between work and family conflict with both life satisfaction as well as family satisfaction. In both cases, the time-based, and strain-based conflict scored higher than the behavior-based conflictin influencing family and life satisfaction negatively. Practical Implications-The results highlight the need for organizational support for nurses, which can be in the form of flexible work schedules, and other time-saving techniques. Given that nurturing responsibilities are shouldered by women in India not only monetary but non-monetary benefits should be availed to the nurses to alleviate their work-family conflict
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Work-family conflict
Nurse work-life balance
Life Satisfaction
Family Satisfaction
Megjelenés:SEISENSE Journal of Management. - 6 : 1 (2023), p. 58-73. -
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