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001-es BibID:BIBFORM123661
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85196188028 (WoS)001260286600001
Első szerző:Eid, Mohamed Hamdy
Cím:Comprehensive approach integrating remote sensing, machine learning, and physicochemical parameters to detect hydrodynamic conditions and groundwater quality deterioration in non-rechargeable aquifer systems / Mohamed Hamdy Eid, Ali Shebl, Mustafa Eissa, Essam A. Mohamed, Amr S. Fahil,i , Hatem Saad Ramadan, Mostafa R. Abukhadra, Ahmed M. El-Sherbeeny, Attila Kovacs, Péter Szűcs
Megjegyzések:The current study integrates remote sensing, machine learning, and physicochemical parameters to detect hydrodynamic conditions and groundwater quality deterioration in non-rechargeable aquifer systems. Fifty-two water samples were collected from all water resources in Siwa Oasis and analyzed for physical (pH, T?C, EC, and TDS) chemical (SO4 2?, HCO3 ?, NO3 ?, Cl?, CO3 2?, SiO2, Mg2+, Na+, Ca2+, and K+), and trace metals (AL, Fe, Sr, Ba, B, and Mn). A digital elevation model supported by machine learning was used to predict the change in the land cover (surface lake area, soil salinity, and water logging) and its effect on water quality deterioration. The groundwater circulation and interaction between the deep aquifer (NSSA) and shallow aquifer (TCA) were detected from the pressure-depth profile of 27 production wells penetrating NSSA. The chemical facies evolution in the aquifer systems were (Ca?Mg?HCO3) in the first stage (freshwater of NSSA) and changed to (Na?Cl) type in the last stage (brackish water of TCA and springs). Support vector machine successfully predicted the rapid increase of the hypersaline lake area from 22.6 km2 to 60.6 km2 within 30 years, which deteriorated a large part of the cultivated land, reflecting the environmental risk of over-extraction of water for irrigation of agricultural land by flooding technique and lack of suitable drainage network. The waterlogging in the study was due to a reduction in the infiltration rate (low permeability) of the soil and quaternary aquifer. The cause of this issue could be a complete saturation of agricultural water with chrysotile, calcite, talc, dolomite, gibbsite, chlorite, Ca-montmorillonite, illite, hematite, kaolinite and K-mica (saturation index >1), giving the chance of these minerals to precipitate in the pore spaces of the soil and decrease the infiltration rate. The NSSA is appropriate for irrigation, whereas TCA is inappropriate due to potential salinity and magnesium risks. The best way to manage water resources in Siwa Oasis could be to use underground drip irrigation and combine water with TCA and NSSA.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Geochemical modeling
Hydrodynamic condition
Siwa oasis
Soil salinization
water quality deterioration
Megjelenés:Heliyon. - 10 : 12 (2024), p. 1-19. -
További szerzők:Shebl, Ali (1992-) (geológus) Eissa, Mustafa Mohamed, Essam A. Fahil, Amr S. Ramadan, Hatem Saad Abukhadra, Mostafa R. El-Sherbeeny, Ahmed M. Kovács Attila Szűcs Péter
Pályázati támogatás:FFT NP FTA(MTA Fenntartható Fejlődés és Technológiák Nemzeti Program)
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