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001-es BibID:BIBFORM124217
Első szerző:Szabó György (geográfus, egyetemi tanár)
Cím:A települési környezetvédelem keretei / Szabó György Emőd
Megjegyzések:One of the important parts of the environmental protection is the municipal environmental protection in which the local governments play an important role. In this article those factors are reviewed that mostly influence the environmental activities in settlements. The most important agents are the acts and edicts related, but the environmental regulations enacted by local governments are of great importance which can allow of regulation in reference of local circumstances. Aside from the laws also the municipal environmental programs fill a part because in these programs after the goals, it should be defined the priorities and the factual tasks related to environmental protection. In the respect of the municipalities' interest it is also important that in particular cases the local governments can play as environmental or conservationist authority.
ISBN:978 963 473 248 8
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok tanulmány, értekezés
Megjelenés:Tanár úrnak tisztelettel! : 56 tanulmány Dr. Korompai Gábor 70. születésnapjára / szerk. Süli-Zakar István, Radics Zsolt, Tóth Antal. - p. 401-406. -
Pályázati támogatás:K62277
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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