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001-es BibID:BIBFORM124419
Első szerző:Li Zhengrui
Cím:Tumor microenvironment as a complex milieu driving cancer progression : a mini review / Zhengrui Li, Jung Li, Xiaolei Bai, Xufeng Huang, Qi Wang
Megjegyzések:It has been spotlighted that the Tumor Microenvironment (TME) is crucial for comprehending cancer progression and therapeutic resistance. Therefore, this comprehensive review elucidates the intricate architecture of the TME, which encompasses tumor cells, immune components, support cells, and a myriad of bioactive molecules. These constituents collectively foster dynamic interactions that underpin tumor growth, metastasis, and nuanced responses to anticancer therapies. Notably, the TME`s role extends beyond mere physical support, serving as a critical mediator in cancer-cell evolution, immune modulation, and treatment outcomes. Innovations targeting the TME, including strategies focused on the vasculature, immune checkpoints, and T-cell therapies, have forged new pathways for clinical intervention. However, the heterogeneity and complexity of the TME present signifcant challenges, necessitating deeper exploration of its components and their interplay to enhance therapeutic efcacy. This review underscores the imperative for integrated research strategies that amalgamate insights from tumor biology, immunology, and systems biology. Such an approach aims to refne cancer treatments and improve patient prognoses by exploiting the TME`s complexity.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Tumor microenvironment
Cancer progression
Therapeutic resistance
Immune modulation
Cellular interactions
Bioactive molecules
Megjelenés:Clinical and Translational Oncology. - [Epub ahead of print] (2024). -
További szerzők:Li, Jing Bai, Xiaolei Huang, Xufeng (1997-) (fogorvos) Wang Qi
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