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001-es BibID:BIBFORM124421
Első szerző:Kaposi Ádám
Cím:A comprehensive study on the factors influencing the generation of infectious healthcare waste in inpatient healthcare institutions in Hungary / Adam Kaposi, Nikolett Orosz, Attila Nagy, Gabriella Gomori, Denes Kocsis
ISSN:1096-2247 2162-2906
Megjegyzések:Infectious healthcare waste (IHCW) poses a significant biohazard and public health risk. This study examines IHCW formation and influencing factors in Hungarian inpatient healthcare institutions. Factors such as hospital type, regional location, indicators related to patient traffic, educational activity, patients of certain types of medical specialties, and healthcareassociated infections (HAIs) were examined. Univariate and multivariate statistical methods identified significant predictors of IHCW occurrence. The generation rate of IHCW ranged from 0.15 to 0.81 kg/bed/day nationally, and it increased by 40.74% between 2017 and 2021, significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The data also showed that as the number of beds increased, the IHCW production rate increased proportionally. The results indicate that IHCW generation rates vary significantly by hospital type, with university hospitals producing the most waste. The incidence of HAI multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacterial infections emerged as the primary driver of IHCW generation, along with educational activity, the number of intensive care unit patients, and regional differences. The Southern Great Plain region had the highest IHCW production (0,42 kg/bed/day) among the seven regions studied. The study highlights the critical impact of HAI MDR infections on IHCW production, emphasizing the need for targeted waste management in high-risk areas. Regional differences indicate the necessity for tailored strategies to address local waste management challenges. This study provides essential insights into IHCW formation and influencing factors in Hungary, offering valuable information for policy and practice.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Bio-, környezet- és vegyészmérnöki tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Healthcare waste
Infectious waste
Waste management
Generation rate
Healthcare-associated infection
Megjelenés:Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. - Online first (2024), p. 1-22. -
További szerzők:Orosz Nikolett (1986-) (közegészségügyi és járványügyi felügyelő) Nagy Attila Gömöri Gabriella Kocsis Dénes (1985-) (műszaki menedzser, környezetmérnök)
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