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001-es BibID:BIBFORM124806
Első szerző:Sidahmed Hajer Mohamed Ibrahim (Crop scientist)
Cím:Estimation Of Yield Potential of Five Sweet Corn Hybrids (Zea mays L. Saccharates) / Hajer Sidahmed, Árpád Illes, Csaba Bojtor, Attila Vad, Adrienn Széles, Ali ALmahi, János Nagy
Megjegyzések:A wide range of variability among maize hybrids can be exploited in the improvement of the crop. Crop yield and resource use efficiency depend on successful plant establishment in the field. The application of good agricultural practices leads to higher yields and improved yield quality. Environmental factors, especially temperature, are the key agents that influence plant growth and development. Environmental factors, especially temperature during seed development and maturation, might have affected yield and components. The experiments were carried out at the Látókép Experimental Station of the University of Debrecen (47?83·30 N, 21?82·60 E, 111 m asl) during the growing season of 2023. The sweet maize experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with four replications to estimate the yield potential of Five hybrids of sweet corn. Based on the results the analysis revealed that the hybrid dessert 78 registered the highest means in yield 23233.33kg/h However the hybrid Azlan scored the smallest means in yield 9850 kg/h. Based on the results between means the highest mean of plant height (cm) by Gss6924 was 277.75 whereas the smallest mean was detected by the spirit (205.55). however, the results revealed that the highest means of Emergence% was obtained by Azlan and Gss6924 (86.31) while the smallest means scored by (dessert 78 )73.1325. moreover, the results showed the highest means on dry matter (g) registered by the spirit (38.55) therefore the lowest means achieved by Im- press and (dessert 78 )23.4.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok előadáskivonat
Sweet corn
Megjelenés:International Conference (3)(2024)(Online). - p. 28
További szerzők:Illés Árpád (1994-) (növényorvos) Bojtor Csaba (1993-) (okleveles növényorvos) Vad Attila (1981-) (agrármérnök) Széles Adrienn (1980-) (okleveles agrármérnök) ALmahi, Ali Nagy János (1951-) (agrármérnök, mérnök-tanár)
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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