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001-es BibID:BIBFORM124994
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85201556637 (WOS)001292358900001
Első szerző:Kazemi, Kimia Sadat
Cím:Photodynamic Therapy: A Novel Approach for Head and Neck Cancer Treatment with Focusing on Oral Cavity / Kazemi, Kimia Sadat; Kazemi, Parisa; Mivehchi, Hassan; Nasiri, Kamyar; Eshagh Hoseini, Seyed Saman; Nejati, Seyedeh Tabasom; Pour Bahrami, Parnian; Golestani, Shayan; Nabi Afjadi, Mohsen
Megjegyzések:Oral cancers, specifically oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), pose a significant global health challenge, with high incidence and mortality rates. Conventional treatments such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy have limited effectiveness and can result in adverse reactions. However, as an alternative, photodynamic therapy (PDT) has emerged as a promising option for treating oral cancers. PDT involves using photosensitizing agents in conjunction with specific light to target and destroy cancer cells selectively. The photosensitizers accumulate in the cancer cells and generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) upon exposure to the activating light, leading to cellular damage and ultimately cell death. PDT offers several advantages, including its non-invasive nature, absence of known long-term side effects when administered correctly, and cost-effectiveness. It can be employed as a primary treatment for early-stage oral cancers or in combination with other therapies for more advanced cases. Nonetheless, it is important to note that PDT is most effective for superficial or localized cancers and may not be suitable for larger or deeply infiltrating tumors. Light sensitivity and temporary side effects may occur but can be managed with appropriate care. Ongoing research endeavors aim to expand the applications of PDT and develop novel photosensitizers to further enhance its efficacy in oral cancer treatment. This review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of PDT in treating oral cancers by analyzing a combination of preclinical and clinical studies. Graphical Abstract: (Figure presented.)
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Oral cancer
Oral squamous cell carcinoma
Photodynamic therapy
Megjelenés:Biological Procedures Online. - 26 : 1 (2024), p. 1-23. -
További szerzők:Kazemi, Parisa Mivehchi, Hassan Nasiri, Kamyar Eshagh Hoseini, Seyed Saman Nejati, Seyedeh Tabasom Pour Bahrami, Parnian Golestani, Shayan Nabi Afjadi, Mohsen
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