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001-es BibID:BIBFORM125076
Első szerző:Kouki, Marouan
Cím:Keller-box based computational investigation of magnetized gravity-driven Micropolar nanofluid flow past an exponentially contracting surface with cross diffusion effect and engineering applications / Marouan Kouki, Saira Shukat, Ikram Ullah, Mohammad Mahtab Alam, Ali Hasan Ali
ISSN:1110-0168 2090-2670
Megjegyzések:Transport of heat in combustion engines, burners and consumption of energy via nuclear explosions is remarkably effected by magnetize nanofluid and radiation. Present attempt is relevant to the current Engineering applications; as design of heat exchangers, systems of renewable energy, and Nanotechnology. Therefore, main concern of the study is explored the radiative flux in Micropolar nanofluid flow under the Lorentz force and gravity modulation. The impacts of cross diffusion is also included in flow field. The mathematical model governing the flow are transformed into ODEs via similarity variables. The Keller box approach is utilized for numerical outcomes. A comprehensive analysis of the physical parameters is carried out, and numerical outcomes are displayed in graphical and tabular form. Obtained outcomes are compared with results that have already been published and found a good match. It has been found that temperature profile and concentration profile have a direct relation against Soret and Dufour respectively. Temperature profile and concentration profile has a direct relation against Dufour and Soret effects. Thermal field grows by enhancing radiation, Brownian motion and thermophoresis parameter. Furthermore, the skin friction.increases as the inclination factor grows up, but Nusselt and Sherwood numbers decline.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Keller-Box Technique
Cross diffusion effects
Micropolar nanofluid
Stretching sheet
Solar radiation
Megjelenés:Alexandria Engineering Journal. - 111 (2025), p. 160-170. -
További szerzők:Shukat, Saira Ullah, Ikram Alam, Mohammad Mahtab Ali, Ali Hasan (1989-) (matematikus)
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