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001-es BibID:BIBFORM125114
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85201577253 (WOS)001320954600001
Első szerző:Ali EL-Omairi, Mohamed
Cím:Investigation of lineament extraction: Analysis and comparison of digital elevation models in the Ait Semgane region, Morocco / Ali EL-Omairi, Mohamed; El Garouani, Abdelkader; Shebl, Ali
Megjegyzések:An automated lineament extraction model was successfully applied in the mountainous region of Ait Semgane, Morocco, enabling the identification of geological and tectonic linear features. Our research implemented several approaches including Topographic Position Index (TPI), shading, and Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), as input for the lineament extraction algorithm and applied to various Dems. We aimed to compare all of these strategies to determine the optimal method and the most favorable input DEM. Results revealed variable performance among methods, emphasizing the importance of choosing the optimum method based on specific objectives. TPI and Hillshade methods showed high sensitivity in detecting lineaments, while ALOS PALSAR and Sentinel 1 InSAR datasets were effective for subtle features. Lineament density exhibited specific orientations for highly-dissected zones, with TPI highlighting NE-SW and E-W orientations. Lineament orientations demonstrated consistency with established geology, confirming pre-existing tectonic knowledge. Cartographic analysis of faults emphasized the success of the SRTM DEM model with the TPI method, highlighting significant faults. Results also revealed a concentration of faults in the NW and southern sectors, corroborating bibliographic references and the well-documented tectonic setting of the study area. This automated methodology facilitated lineament extraction in unmapped areas, reinforcing the validity of the undertaken cartographic analysis. ? 2024 The Authors
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Automatic extraction
Structural deformations
Megjelenés:Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment. - 36 (2024), p. 1-27. -
További szerzők:El Garouani, Abdelkader Shebl, Ali (1992-) (geológus)
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