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001-es BibID:BIBFORM125284
035-os BibID:(scopus)85206651065 (wos)001330068800002
Első szerző:Fábián Balázs (pszichológus)
Cím:Development and validation of the RQLQ : a Raynaud's disease?specific measure of health-related quality of life / Fábián Balázs, Csiki Zoltán, Bugán Antal
Megjegyzések:Introduction/objectives: The aim of this study was to develop and validate the Raynaud Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire (RQLQ) for assessing health-related quality (HRQOL) of life in patients with Raynaud's disease (RD). Method: The questionnaire was developed and validated in three stages. Initially, semi-structured interviews with 28 RD patients identified domains of everyday life affected by RD, leading to the creation of the initial RQLQ. In the first quantitative stage, 101 patients completed the RQLQ, and exploratory factor analysis assessed dimensionality and factor structure. After removing poorly performing items, the final RQLQ was tested with 102 patients. This stage also evaluated convergent, divergent, and discriminant validity, as well as internal reliability. Results: From the interviews, 135 items were generated, with factor analysis refining the measure to 29 items across five subscales, showing good internal consistency. The RQLQ demonstrated significant correlations with self-rated quality of life and physical and mental health outcomes, confirming convergent and divergent validity. It also showed discriminant validity for different levels of disease activity. Conclusions: The RQLQ is the first specific HRQOL measure for RD patients, proving to be a psychometrically sound, reliable, and valid tool for clinical research and practice. Key Points ? The Raynaud Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire (RQLQ) is an important scale that evaluates the quality of life of patients with Raynaud's disease. ? The questionnaire showed good validity and reliability a capturing disease-specific quality of life. ? This tool may aid in clinical research and practice.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Health-related quality of life
Raynaud's disease
Megjelenés:Clinical Rheumatology. - 43 : 12 (2024), p. 3963-3972. -
További szerzők:Csiki Zoltán (1962-) (belgyógyász, allergológus, klinikai immunológus, reumatológus) Bugán Antal (1948-) (pszichológus, klinikai szakpszichológus, pszichoterapeuta)
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