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001-es BibID:BIBFORM125396
Első szerző:Szemán-Nagy Anita (pszichológus, klinikai szakpszichológus)
Cím:Interrupting vicious circles : Psychotherapeutic interventions to prevent transgenerational reappearance of depression / Anita Szemán-Nagy, Zsuzsanna Almássy, Katalin Héjja-Nagy, Veronika Sztancsik
Megjegyzések:Pregnancy is the time ofpreparing for maternity, when somebody's daughter turns into somebody's mother, securing by this an equal role with one's own mother. Pregnant women tend to approach their mothers emotionally, wanting to know more about their mothering style a generation earlier. This process is the "motherhood constellation" which is motivated by an unconscious urge to decide whether one's mother may become an "appropriate" model for mothering. It is proven that pregnant women's representations of mothering style, developed during their childhood, strongly influence their own mothering activities later. If the pregnant woman's representation happens to be "being with a depressed, low care mother", this particular mothering style will be the model. This mechanism could result in an intergenerational transmission of depressed symptoms during pregnancy and cause problems later in the mother-infant relationship. The case of Jeanny is presented in the article to illustrate the importance of psychotherapy in interrupting transgenerational transmission of depression.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Pszichológiai tudományok könyvfejezet
antenatal depression
low maternal care
intergenerational spiral
second trimester
Megjelenés:Bonding and separation: Current problems in Clinical Psychology / Eds. Anita Szemán-Nagy, Attila Körmendi. - p. 24-32. -
További szerzők:Almássy Zsuzsanna (1985-) (pszichológus) Héjja-Nagy Katalin (1977-) Sztancsik Veronika (1977-) (pszichológus, angol szakfordító, klinikai szakpszichológus)
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