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001-es BibID:BIBFORM125544
035-os BibID:(WoS)001306699000001 (Scopus)85202478052
Első szerző:Mujitaba, Malam Abulbashar
Cím:In Vitro Gene Conservation Status and the Quality of the Genetic Resources of Native Hungarian Sheep Breeds / Malam Abulbashar Mujitaba, Alexandra Tokár, Eszter Erika Balogh, Viktória Johanna Debnár, Ariuntungalag Javkhlan, Panka Boglárka Vásárhelyi, István Egerszegi, Szabolcs Tamás Nagy, Gabriella Kútvölgy
Megjegyzések:Considering the global decline in local sheep genetic resources, we conductedthe current study to assess the status and quality of Hungarian native sheep breed genetic resourcesstored in a small Gene Bank established between 2014 and 2017. Semen samples from 24 rams ofdifferent breeds were collected during the breeding season and out of season using an artificial vagina,cryopreserved manually. Frozen/thawed spermatozoa were evaluated for motility and kinematicparameters, viability, chromatin structure, and morphometry of the sperm nuclei. We observedbreed, season, and individual ram effects on the motility, kinematics, viability, and morphometricalparameters of the post-thaw spermatozoa samples stored in the Gene Bank. The stored samplesare of good quality, and the cryopreservation technique adopted for the small Gene Bank provedpromising for conserving the genetic resources of the native Hungarian sheep, as it resulted inacceptable post-thaw parameters. To maintain rare and valuable genotypes, cryo-conservation ofnot only spermatozoa but also oocytes and embryos is needed. Therefore, we plan to implement anextended gene conservation program involving a more significant number of individuals of native Hungarian sheep breeds.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Gene Bank
Megjelenés:Veterinary Sciences. - 11 : 8 (2024), p. 1-19. -
További szerzők:Tokár Alexandra Balogh Eszter Erika (1988-) (tudományos segédmunkatárs) Debnár Viktória Johanna Javkhlan, Ariuntungalag Vásárhelyi Panka Boglárka Egerszegi István Nagy Szabolcs Tamás Kútvölgyi Gabriella
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