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001-es BibID:BIBFORM125636
Első szerző:Borodinecs, Anatolijs
Cím:Extra Thermal Insulation for Recently Built Buildings to Achieve nZEB / Anatolijs Borodinecs, Vladislavs Jacnevs, Lakatos Ákos
ISSN:2366-2557 2366-2565
Megjegyzések:The construction industry in the Baltic countries has experienced significant evolution since the 1990s, marked by advancements in construction technologies and the adoption of newmaterials. Despite these changes, the majority of buildings constructed during this period fail to meet energy efficiency standards, falling shortofnearlyZero-EnergyBuilding(nZEB)levels.Thisstudyaimstoanalyze the energy efficiency of buildings constructed between the 1990s and 2021 in the Baltic region. Additionally, it investigates the effectiveness of applying extra thermal insulation to lightweight blocks and previously renovated buildings, with renovations dating back to 15 years. The DELPHINsoftwarewasutilized for hygrothermalperformancesimulationtoanticipatepotentialchallengesassociated with applying extra insulation to achieve nZEB standards. This study contributes valuable insights into the energy efficiency landscape of buildings in the Baltics andoffers practical strategies for retrofitting of existing structures to enhance their thermal performance.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Anyagtudományok és technológiák idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Thermal Insulation
Additional Thermal Insulation
Retrofitting of Well Insulated Structures
retrofitting of single-family houses
Megjelenés:Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. - "Accepted by Publisher" : - (2025), p. 1-6. -
További szerzők:Jacnevs, Vladislavs Lakatos Ákos (1983-) (fizikus, környezetmérnök, létesítménymérnök)
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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