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001-es BibID:BIBFORM125723
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85199000717
Első szerző:Vuk Aliz (természetvédelmi mérnök)
Cím:Waste management and plastic waste recycling in Japan, China, Singapore and South Korea ? What trends can be observed under different regulations / Vuk, Aliz; Szűcs, István; Bauerné Gáthy, Andrea
ISSN:2062-0810 2063-4269
Megjegyzések:Plastic pollution of oceans and seas is increasing every year and coastal countries need to pay particular attention to this problem. Four Asian countries-Japan, China, Singapore, South Korea-were analysed in terms of the amount of waste and plastic waste generated and their recycling rates. For each country, available data were collected and converted into a common unit of measurement-metric tonnes per 1,000 people. The countries' performance to date was analysed and used as a basis for projections for 2030. Based on the trends so far, Japan has seen an 11% reduction in plastics waste and a 6% reduction in waste over the period, while China has seen a 27% increase in waste and an 8% reduction in plastic waste. In South Korea, plastic waste increased by 49% and waste by 21%. In Singapore, waste decreased by 13% and plastic waste increased by 15%. On current trends, none of the countries are projected to reach their 2030 targets. However, by complying with current and newly introduced regulations, they have a chance to move closer to their targets. ? 2024 The Author(s).
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Közgazdaságtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
plastic waste
waste management
Megjelenés:International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering. - Epub ahead of print (2024), p. 1-14. -
További szerzők:Szűcs István (1968-) (agrárközgazdász) Bauerné Gáthy Andrea (1980-) (gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományi PhD)
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