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001-es BibID:BIBFORM125848
Cím:Sajátos építmények létesítésének EHS feladatai = EHS Tasks for Establishing Specific Buildings / Szolga Krisztián
Megjegyzések:In engineering practice, special building types mean the combination of building and technology. In another approach, however, what is not a general structure is a specific structure. In the current regulations, special constructions for industry and special constructions under the jurisdiction of the mine supervision have a separate construction log in the E-system. According to the "Construction Act, the special types of constructions are mostly non-buildings, transport, communication, utility and energy supply, water supply and water management, mining activities and the management of mining waste, for the use of nuclear energy, as well as for national defense and military, as well as for national security purposes. , or purpose-built structures with special technology, the construction of which is subject to - the general regulations on structures and construction activities". The construction of special facilities also includes special measures and organizational tasks that are different from the usual ones. The topic also raises many EHS questions, which we can clearly illustrate by examining practical experiences and cases. In my presentation, I proposed solutions focusing on the safety and environmental problems that arose during the construction of special buildings in Békés County. I consider the presentation of good and bad practice and special situations from an EHS perspective important and I will focus on them in the presentation.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Építőmérnöki tudományok előadáskivonat
Work protection
Security technology
Specific Buildings
Megjelenés:ABSZTRAKTKÖTET IV.: Környezet, Egészség, Biztonság (EHS) Nemzetközi Szimpózium / Debreceni Egyetem Műszaki Kar. - (2024) p. 1-12.
További szerzők:Szolga Krisztián (1974-) (okleveles környezetmérnök)
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