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001-es BibID:BIBFORM125867
Első szerző:Sebbag, Eden
Cím:Systematic literature review and meta-analysis informing the EULAR Points to Consider on the initiation of targeted therapies in patients with inflammatory arthritis and a history of cancer / Eden Sebbag, Juan Molina-Collada, Ramatoulaye Ndoye, Daniel Aletaha, Johan Askling, Karolina Gente, Heidi Bertheussen, Samuel Bitoun, Ertugrul Cagri Bolek, Maya H. Buch, Gerd R. Burmester, Helena M. Canhão, Katerina Chatzidionysiou, Jeffrey R. Curtis, Francois-Xavier Danlos, Vera Guimarães, Merete Lund Hetland, Florenzo Iannone, Marie Kostine, Tue Wenzel Kragstrup, Tore K. Kvien, Anne Constanze Regierer, Hendrik Schulze-Koops, Nathanaël Sedmak, Lucia Silva-Fernandez, Zoltan Szekanecz, Kim Lauper, Axel Finckh, Jacques-Eric Gottenberg
Megjegyzések:Background Targeted therapies have been associated with potential risk of malignancy, which is a common concern in daily rheumatology practice in patients with inflammatory arthritis (IA) and a history of cancer. Objectives To perform a systematic literature review to inform a Task Force formulating EULAR Points to Consider on the initiation of targeted therapies in patients with IA and a history of cancer. Methods Specific research questions were defined within the Task Force before formulating the exact research queries with a librarian. We included studies reporting a relative risk measure of patients with a history of cancer initiating a targeted therapy or a conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (csDMARD), regardless of the time since diagnosis of cancer. All relevant studies included in PubMed or Embase up to 15 July 2022 were included. Two reviewers independently performed standardised article selection, data extraction, synthesis and risk of bias assessment. Results 14 published articles and one ACR abstract fulfilled the inclusion criteria. All studies were high quality observational studies, representing a median follow-up from treatment initiation of 4.52 years among 4428 patients and 15 062 patient-years of follow-up for new or recurrent cancer. All patients had a history of cancer, most frequently solid cancer, most frequently receiving treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and most frequently treated with tumour necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors. Across these studies, the overall HR of cancer recurrence was 0.92 (95% CI 0.74 to 1.15) for patients receiving a targeted therapy versus a csDMARD. Conclusion Overall, the targeted therapies and clinical contexts covered by the included studies were not associated with an increased risk of cancer recurrence as compared with csDMARDs
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Annals Of The Rheumatic Diseases. - "Accepted by Publisher" (2024). -
További szerzők:Molina-Collada, Juan Ndoye, Ramatoulaye Aletaha, Daniel Askling, Johan Gente, Karolina Bertheussen, Heidi Bitoun, Samuel Bolek, Ertugrul Cagri Buch, Maya H. Burmester, Gerd R. Canhão, Helena M. Chatzidionysiou, Katerina Curtis, Jeffrey R. Danlos, Francois-Xavier Guimarães, Vera Hetland, Merete Lund Iannone, Florenzo Kostine, Marie Kragstrup, Tue Wenzel Kvien, Tore K. Regierer, Anne Constanze Schulze-Koops, Hendrik Sedmak, Nathanaël Silva-Fernández, Lucía Szekanecz Zoltán (1964-) (reumatológus, belgyógyász, immunológus) Lauper, Kim Finckh, Axel Gottenberg, Jacques-Eric
Internet cím:DOI
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