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001-es BibID:BIBFORM126023
Első szerző:Répás Zoltán (Okleveles élelmiszermérnök)
Cím:Study to Determine the Nutritional Characteristics of Potato Varieties that Are Suitable for the Application of the Freeze-Drying Process / Zoltán Répás, Róbert Nagy, Zsolt Géza Polgár, Zoltán Győri
ISSN:0014-3065 1871-4528
Megjegyzések:The aim of this study was to determine the nutritional values related to structural stability during the storage of freeze-dried potato cubes and investigate the colour changes that occur during boiling, freeze-drying, and rehydration, as well as the suitability of rehydration and, on the basis of this information, establish varietal characteristics suitable for the use of technology. Nine different potato varieties were analysed. Significant relationships were detected between the amount of dry matter protein and starch content and the colour and colour change values. Significant relationship was measured between the amount of protein calculated in dry matter and the structural stability and rehydration suitability of freeze-dried boiled potatoes. According to our study, the optimal varieties for freeze-dried boiled potatoes were those with high protein content in dry matter, which provided maximum structural stability during storage and optimal properties for short-term rehydration at low temperatures. Based on our study, potato varieties that are suitable for processing by freeze-drying technology can be easily selected and our study provides useful information for breeders, growers, and food processors to achieve their goals in food processing.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Potato variety
Megjelenés:Potato Research. - [Epub ahead of print] : - (2024), p. 1-23. -
További szerzők:Nagy Róbert (1995-) (élelmiszerbiztonsági és -minőségi mérnök) Polgár Zsolt Győri Zoltán (1948-) (vegyész)
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