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001-es BibID:BIBFORM126069
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85209373849
Első szerző:Mukherjee, Deshabrato
Cím:Optimized sensing on gold nanoparticles created by graded-layer magnetron sputtering and annealing / Deshabrato Mukherjee, Krisztián Kertész, Zsolt Zolnai, Zoltán Kovács, András Deák, András Pálinkás, Zoltán Osváth, Dániel Olasz, Alekszej Romanenko, Miklós Fried, Sven Burger, György Sáfrán, Péter Petrik
Megjegyzések:Graded-thickness gold layers were deposited on fused silica by combinatorial magnetron sputtering and annealing to form nanoparticles with a laterally changing structure. The optical properties and sensing characteristics were determined as a function of the amount of sputtered material by scanning optical spectroscopies. The formation and sensing performance of Au nanoparticles were modeled and interpreted by finite element electromagnetic calculations. The most sensitive regions for the optical detection of ethanol, water, and Raman reporter molecules on the heat-treated surfaces were determined as a function of the deposited amount of Au. For all three analytes applied, we observed the best sensing performance for an effective deposited gold thickness of 2?3 nm. These results can be interpreted by considering the graded gold film's actual geometry and near-field optical properties.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Finite element electromagnetic simulation
Gas sensing
Gold nanoparticle
Localized surface plasmon
Sensing optimization
Megjelenés:Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical. - 425 (2025), p. 1-9. -
További szerzők:Kertész Krisztián Zolnai Zsolt Kovács Zoltán (1988-) (geográfus) Deák András Pálinkás András Osváth Zoltán Olasz Dániel Romanenko, Alekszej Fried Miklós Burger S. Sáfrán György Petrik Péter
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