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001-es BibID:BIBFORM126216
Első szerző:Arie, Fitty Valdi (PhD student)
Cím:Geopolitical Risk and Higher Education in Indonesia : A Systematic Literature Review / Fitty Valdi Arie, Efilina Kissiya
Megjegyzések:As the 2024 elections in Indonesia draw attention, the issue of democracy on universities is often overlooked. Despite the political nature of power dynamics within universities, debates about campus democracy can create tension and harm the academic environment; such conflicts can negatively affect community, cooperation, and mutual respect among students and faculty. This study aims to help universities make better governance decisions, focusing on transparency, accountability, and other key factors. This article emphasizes the geopolitical risk effect in higher education circumstances, which was then developed as a basis for finding solutions for the sustainability of higher education in Indonesia. This research uses the PRISMA systematic literature review method to assist researchers in reporting transparently and systematically why the review was carried out, what the author did, and what was found which was then analyzed using the SLR method which was carried out systematically by following the correct research stages or protocols, includes review studies, structured evaluations, classification and relevant categorization of previously generated evidence bases. As a result Universities behoove sterile from elements of power or, in other words, have political immunity; the functions and roles of campuses need to be revitalized and decontextualized in campus democracy from any political anomaly that causes turmoil. In addition, this research can help stakeholders at the political level to provide consideration in granting full autonomy to campuses both in academic and non-academic aspects.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Közgazdaságtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Geopolitics, Higher Education
Sustainable Development
Globalization Challenges
Megjelenés:Cross-Cultural Management Journal. - 26 : 2 (2024), p. 139-153. -
További szerzők:Kissiya, Efilina
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