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001-es BibID:BIBFORM126312
035-os BibID:(scopus)85212640623
Első szerző:Koshkin, Vadim S.
Cím:Pembrolizumab Retreatment in Patients with Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma Who Responded to First-course Pembrolizumab-based Therapy / Koshkin Vadim S., Danchaivijitr Pongwut, Bae Woo Kyun, Semenov Andrey, Ozyilkan Ozgur, Su Yu-Li, Arranz Arija José A., Tsujihata Masao, Bögemann Martin, Hendriks Mathijs P., Delgado Silvia Neciosup, Rosenbaum Eli, Lopez Karla Alejandra, Bavle Abhishek, Liu Chih-Chin, Imai Kentaro, Furka Andrea
Megjegyzések:Patients with metastatic solid tumors who previously had stable disease or a response with immunotherapy may derive benefit from immunotherapy retreatment. This post hoc analysis evaluated pembrolizumab retreatment in patients with advanced/metastatic urothelial carcinoma who received pembrolizumab in KEYNOTE-045, KEYNOTE-052, or KEYNOTE-361, and either stopped pembrolizumab after a complete response (CR) or completed pembrolizumab (35 cycles [?2 yr]) with an objective response or stable disease. Upon disease progression, protocol-specified pembrolizumab retreatment (200 mg intravenously every 3 wk) was administered for ?17 cycles. Forty-nine patients met the criteria and were included. The median follow-up was 24.4 mo (range, 1.4?53.5). The median time between first-course therapy cessation and pembrolizumab retreatment was 10.7 mo (1.0?36.3). Twenty patients (41%) had an objective response with pembrolizumab retreatment, 65% of whom had a CR to first-course treatment. The median retreatment duration was 8.3 mo (range, 0.0?13.2); the median duration of response was 14.0 mo (2.1+ to 20.5). From retreatment initiation, the median (95% confidence interval) progression-free survival and overall survival were 9.5 mo (5.6?15.0) and 25.7 mo (21.5?27.5), respectively. Treatment-related adverse events occurred in 45% (grade 3?4: 6%; grade 5: 0%). Data suggest that pembrolizumab retreatment is beneficial and tolerable for some patients with advanced/metastatic urothelial carcinoma who previously had a CR or completed 2 yr of pembrolizumab.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer
Megjelenés:European Urology. - [Epub ahead of print] (2024). -
További szerzők:Danchaivijitr, Pongwut Bae, Woo Kyun Semenov, Andrey Ozyilkan, Ozgur Su, Yu-Li Arranz Arija, José Tsujihata, Masao Bögemann, Martin Hendriks, Mathijs P. Delgado, Silvia Neciosup Rosenbaum, Eli Lopez, Karla Alejandra Bavle, Abhishek Liu, Chih-Chin Imai, Kentaro Furka Andrea (1976-) (sebész)
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