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001-es BibID:BIBFORM126318
Első szerző:Hajdu Zita (történelem-angol szakos tanár)
Cím:MemoQ, a CAT tool used in technical translation courses at Debrecen University / Hajdu, Zita; Tar, Ildikó; Farkas, János
Megjegyzések:This paper addresses some specific features of memoQ, a computer-assisted translation tool in the context of translation training at the Centre of Business Communication and Professional Language Studies, Debrecen University. The authors aim to briefly present the development of CAT tools, the key features of memoQ and its integration in the curriculum of the Business and Economics translation course. The Centre of Business Communication and Professional Language Studiesat the Faculty of Business and Economics sought to develop an entirely new structure for technical translation training. Besides focusing on the traditional translation skills, the objective was to provide an in-depth understanding of translation techniques, the ability of using AI based CAT tools and prepare the students for a new environment in the global job market withparticular regard to the demand of translation agencies. The study discusses the followingquestions: How has the integration of memoQ, a computer-assisted translation toolaffected our technical translation training program? What functions of memoQ help trainee translators to be more efficient, accurate and reliable and thus more employable in the labour market?
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Nyelvtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
CAT tools
key memoQ features,
technical translation courses
labour market demands
Megjelenés:Humán Innovációs Szemle. - 15 : 2 (2024), p. 38-47. -
További szerzők:Tar Ildikó (1959-) (angol-magyar nyelv és irodalom szakos tanár) Farkas János (1967-) (nyelvtanár)
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