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001-es BibID:BIBFORM126376
Első szerző:Hidayatullah, Rahmat
Cím:Analysis Sector Potential And Contribution of Agriculture In Increasing Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Banyumas Regency / Rahmat Hidayatullah ; Watemin Watemin ; Yusuf Enril Fathurrohman
Megjegyzések:Purpose:This study aimed to analyze the potential and contribution of the agricultural sectorto the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of the Banyumas Regency. Methodology:This study employed documentation techniques to acquire secondary data from variousofficial sources, utilizing secondary data analysis techniques.Results:The agricultural sectorwas evaluated using Location Quotient (LQ) and Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ)analyses, while the potential of leading commodities was visualized using a geographicinformation system (GIS).Findings: Overlay analysis, which is combined with LQ, DLQ,Shift Share, and Klassen Typology identified the agricultural sector in Banyumas Regency in2019?2023 as a non-base sector (LQ 0.90, DLQ 0.28). Shift Share analysis shows stagnantresults (-203.89), while the Klassen Typology categorizes it as relatively underdeveloped(Quadrant IV), verifying the status of agriculture in Banyumas district asa non-leading sector.However, several subdistricts showed promising potential in leading commodities such asrice, corn, and coconut.Novelty:DLQ analysis indicated the future growth potential of theagricultural sector, while Klassen typology and Shift Share analysis provided an overview ofthe structure and dynamics of the regional economy.Originality:The results of this studyare expected to serve as a reference for the local government in formulatingmore focusedand sustainable development policies, especially in improving the competitiveness of theagricultural sector in Banyumas Regency.Conclusion:It is recommended that the BanyumasRegency government optimize leading commodities, improve rural infrastructure,expandmarket access, and encourage technology and innovation to maximize the potential of thissector.Type of Paper:Research article
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Közgazdaságtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Agricultural Sector Potentia
eading Commodities
gricultural SectorCompetitiveness
Megjelenés:Agritepa. - 11 : 2 (2024), p. 353-372. -
További szerzők:Watemin, Watemin Fathurrohman Yusuf Enril (1990-) (Lecturer; Student)
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