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001-es BibID:BIBFORM126404
Első szerző:Takács Levente (klasszika-filológus)
Cím:Land Surveyors in Roman Pannonia / Takács Levente
Megjegyzések:The province's political and military history, administration, and prosopography have been thoroughly studied by scholars. Relating to Pannonia, relatively few scholarly contributions have been published about its rural life, including land ownership and land surveying. While it cannot be confirmed that the entire province was surveyed as a consequence of the surveyors' work, it can be proven that many parts of it were affected by the activity of land surveyors. Traces of their work in Pannonia are attested to the writings of Roman land surveyors and in archaeological finds as well, but to have a clearer picture, further investigations are needed, especially in the archaeological field.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Történelemtudományok tanulmány, értekezés
land surveying
Ancient Roman History
Megjelenés:The Danubian Region and the Balkans During the Roman Empire in Military Inscriptions / eds. Forisek Péter; Kovács Péter; Szabó Ádám. - p. 207-216. -
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