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001-es BibID:BIBFORM126472
Első szerző:Borus György (történész)
Cím:III. György és Lord Bute szerepe a Pitt-Newcastle koalíciós kormány felbomlásában / Borus György
ISSN:0237-7934 1587-1258
Megjegyzések:The resignation of William Pitt the Elder in October 1761 and that of the Duke of Newcastle in May 1762 had serious consequences: Britain became diplomatically isolated after losing its only ally, Prussia, while in domestic affairs a period of utter instability started, which did not come to an end until 1770. The inexperienced new ruler, George III (1760-1820) had a lot to do with all this. He detested the ministers he inherited and he adored his former tutor, Lord Bute. The study describes the process that led to the breakup of the Pitt-Newcastle coalition government, one of the most successful administrations of the early modern period, which won the Seven Years' War (1756-63) for Britain. It explains why the young king was unable to trust the politicians he inherited, why he insisted on making Lord Bute Secretary of State, and what other factors resulted in the serious political and social instability of the 1760s. George III did not act unconstitutionally when he dismissed some of the members of the Whig oligarchy and chose new ministers. Nevertheless, he had to face the serious consequences of his decisions. The ministerial appointment of Lord Bute ? who was Scottish, a personal confidant of the king and by no means a prominent politician ? was an affront to the political class. The disgruntled Whig politicians were determined to discredit the new government and they were able to take advantage of the difficulties that emerged at the end and after the Seven Years' War.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Történelemtudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Aetas. - 38 : 3 (2023), p. 39-52. -
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