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001-es BibID:BIBFORM126976
Első szerző:L. Szabó Gábor (épületgépész)
Cím:Investigating the possibility of exergetic optimization for absorption chillers / L. Szabó Gábor
Megjegyzések:The escalating energy crisis prompts the European Union to enforce increasingly stringent energy awareness goals. Traditional means of meeting these goals through enhanced energy efficiency are becoming less viable; the quality of energy must also be factored into the analyses and recommendations. Heat pumps and refrigerators are capable of both cooling and heating simultaneously, yet their use can be adapted to cooling alone (refrigerator, chiller), heating only ('only' heat pump), or both chilling and heating (polyvalent heat pump). Consequently, heating and cooling can be understood as qualitative indicators characterized by exergetic efficiency. Given the stricter targets, optimizing machines for specific functions by focusing on qualitative indicators becomes imperative.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Gépészeti tudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:Műszaki Tudomány az Észak-kelet Magyarországi Régióban 2024: Konferencia előadások kivonatai / szerk. Dömötör Csaba. - p. 72-72. -
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