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001-es BibID:BIBFORM001417
Első szerző:Wiwczaroski, Troy B. (nyelvész)
Cím:Student Perceptions of Culture in Intercultural Communication Teaching / Troy B. Wiwczarsoki
Megjegyzések:The word 'culture' is an abstract entity denoting a specific combination of countless man-made, collective and shared objects and artifacts, patterns of behavior, organization, values and concepts, or even language, together which form a given culture, when used commonly by a group of individuals. This unique combination is open to interpretation by members of a different culture, and this interpretation varies across cultures, depending on the degree of (pre)acceptance or (pre)rejection with which the adjudicator group ascribes meaning or lack of meaning to it. In teaching intercultural communication to students, one works against their prejudices and judgmental attitudes, which often arise from a lack of information, to bring the students from ignorance to knowledge, as well as from ineptitude to competence, to prepare them dialogue with strangers. This paper discusses student perceptions of the Self, 'Otherness' and 'culture', and how these impact the teaching of intercultural communication.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Média- és kommunikációs tudományok előadáskivonat
interkultúrális kommunikáció
Megjelenés:Nyelvi Modernizáció. Szaknyelv, fordítás, terminológia. A XVI. Magyar Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Kongresszus előadásai. Közlemények / ed. Heltai Pál. - p. 1209-1213. -
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