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001-es BibID:BIBFORM002643
Első szerző:Rózsa Tünde (matematika, informatika, ábrázoló-geometria tanár, szakközgazdász)
Cím:Functional evaluation of enterprise information systems in co-operatives / Herdon Miklós, Rózsa Tünde
Megjegyzések:The new types of co-operatives give 21% of the Hungarian fruit and vegetable production. These cooperatives get more financial support and work more efficiently in marketing, logistics, production planning and controlling, bookkeeping and information services. For these tasks they need correct information in any time and anywhere. The best solution can be an integrated information system, an ERP system. The tendency is that these types of organisation introduce ERP system successfully. It can give a flexible solution, enabling us to meet and exceed our business requirements. We can apply an RFID solution, customer relationship management (CRM) system, Demand Driven Supply Network (DDSN) solution, or a financial management solution. The enterprise that wants to find its own way and wants to choose a suitable system on the ravelled market of software supply is in a difficult position. The first step of choice is to select a software product which can meet the current information claims. This involves the business management and processes in the ventures, which is the functional correspondence of the offered system. We are doing research for developing the rural SMEs and human resources. One part of our research work is to get information about the current situation and trend. Our survey consists of different question groups such as, information infrastructure, the organisation, the applied information system and its functionality, the applied selection methods of ERP and future development plan.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:Conference of the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (EFITA)/WCCA 2007 "Environmental and Rural Sustainability through ICT" : Glasgow, 2-5 July 2007 / ed. C. Parker, S. Skerratt, C. Park, J. Shields. - p. 10-15.
További szerzők:Herdon Miklós (1950-) (gépészmérnök)
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