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001-es BibID:BIBFORM003596
Első szerző:Irinyi Beatrix (bőrgyógyász, allergológus)
Cím:Clinical and laboratory examinations in the subgroups of chronic urticaria / Irinyi B., Széles Gy., Gyimesi E., Tumpek J., Herédi E., Dimitrios G., Ádány R., Hunyadi J., Szegedi A.
Megjegyzések:The aetiology of chronic urticaria is heterogeneous. Physical urticaria (PU) is estimated at around 35 %, autoimmune urticaria (AIU) at 25 % and chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU) at 35% of all chronic urticaria cases. Methods: Differences in clinical and laboratory parameters among AIU, PU and CIU groups were examined. AIU was diagnosed if basophil CD63 assay was positive. Demographic data, severity of symptoms, and association with allergic and autoimmune diseases were analysed by the aid of an internationally accepted questionnaire a questionnarie. Immunoassays were carried out and the effectiveness of therapy was also investigated. Results: Female dominance in the AIU group was prominent. Concerning the urticaria score, there were significant differences between the AIU and PU patients (p=0.015) and between AIU and CIU cases (p=0.013). Between the CIU and PU patients, we found an insignificant difference in the urticaria score (p=0.78). AIU was more frequently associated with autoimmune diseases in the personal (p<0.001), and with other types of urticaria in the family history (p<0.001). Also anti-thyroid antibodies were more frequently detected in the AIU group. Antihistamine therapy was less effective in the AIU group (12.8%) than in the PU (70.3%) and CIU groups (68.6 %), but there were no significant differences between the CIU and PU groups regarding the effectiveness of antihistamine therapy. Conclusion: The autoimmune subgroup represents the most severe form of chronic urticaria. On the other hand between the CIU and PU groups there were no significant differences in urticaria scores as well as in response to antihistamine therapy. Key words: antihistamine therapy, autoimmune urticaria, physical urticaria, chronic idiopathic urticaria
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
chronic urticaria
Megjelenés:International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 144 : 3 (2007), p. 217-225. -
További szerzők:Széles György (1969-) (epidemiológus) Gyimesi Edit (1957-) (klinikai biokémikus, vegyész) Tumpek Judit (1944-) (orvosi laboratóriumi szakorvos) Herédi Emese (1979-) (bőrgyógyász) Dimitrios, Georgitsis Ádány Róza (1952-) (megelőző orvostan és népegészségtan szakorvos) Hunyadi János (1943-) (bőrgyógyász, kozmetológus, allergológus) Szegedi Andrea (1964-) (bőrgyógyász)
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