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001-es BibID:BIBFORM006276
Első szerző:Erdilyi D. J.
Cím:Synergistic interaction of ABCB1 and ABCG2 polymorphisms predicts the prevalence of toxic encephalopathy during anticancer chemotherapy / Erdilyi D. J., Kámory E., Csókay B., Andrikovics H., Tordai A., Kiss C., Filni-Semsei A., Janszky I., Zalka A., Fekete G., Falus A., Kovacs G. T., Szalai C.
Megjegyzések:Polymorphisms of the ABCB1 (MDR1) and ABCG2 (BCRP) genes were reported to alter the expression and function of these drug transporters. Both proteins are present at the main pharmacokinetic barriers including the blood-brain barrier. Data from 291 children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia were analysed in this retrospective study. ABCB1 3435T4C, 2677G4T/A,1236C4T and ABCG2 421C4A, 34G4A genotypes were determined.Encephalopathy episodes were more frequent among those with ABCB1 3435TT genotype than in the 3435CC/CT group (odds ratio (OR) 3.5; P?0.03). Patients with the ABCG2 421A allele tended to have more complications than wild type homozygotes (OR=2.0; P=0.25). The rate of the adverse effect was similar in those harbouring no or only one of the predisposing genotypes, that is, either ABCB1 3435TT or ABCG2 421AA/AC. However, significantly more children suffered encephalopathy in the group with both predisposing genotypes (OR=12.3; P=0.005). In conclusion, these variations exert synergistic effect in predisposing patients to toxic neurological complications of chemotherapy.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
ABC transporter
gene-gene interaction
cytostatic drugs
adverse drug reaction
Megjelenés:The Pharmacogenomics Journal 8 : 5 (2008), p. 321-327. -
További szerzők:Kámory Enikő Csókay B. Andrikovics Hajnalka Tordai Attila Kiss Csongor (1956-) (hematológus, onkológus) Filni-Semsei A. Jánszky Imre Zalka Anna Fekete G. (Budapest) Falus András Kovács G. T. Szalai C.
Internet cím:DOI
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