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001-es BibID:BIBFORM013700
Első szerző:János István (humánbiológus)
Cím:A Tiszántúl egy mikrorégiójának (Észak-Hajdúság) paleodemográfiai összefüggésrendszere a X-XIII. században / János István, Szathmáry László, Kiss Ferenc, Hüse Lajos
Megjegyzések:In the present study the authors compared the populations of four cemeteries, namely Hajdúdorog-Gyúlás (Xth c.), Hajdúdorog-Temetőhegy (XIth c.), Hajdúdorog-Katidűlő (XII-XIIIth c.) and Hajdúdorog-Szállásföld (XII-XIIIth c.) dated back to the age of the Hungarian conquest and Arpadian age, from a paleodemographical point of view. Previous studies based on craniological investigations have already suggested that there was a discontinuity in the population history between the Xth and the XIth c. and a continuity between the XIth and XIIth c. The demographical examination presented in this paper also refers to some kind of discontinuity between the Xth and XIth c., which must have been the first crisis in the examined period. The second crisis might have been more moderate: it meant burying the dead of the populations lacking a church in the churchyards of villages, which had a church. At that time, one graveyard around a church was used by several village populations. That is why the osteological evaluation of the original populations structure seems to be difficult. A minor similarity of Katidűlő and Szállásföld might have been in connection with the way of life and the exogenous circumstances, which were typical of this age. According to the authors, these micro-regional investigations can provide appropriate ground for the anthropological research of an extensive area.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Mortality rate
Life expectancy
The Middle Ages
Megjelenés:Anthropológiai közlemények. - 50 (2009), p. 35-47. -
További szerzők:Szathmáry László (1950-) (humánbiológus) Kiss Ferenc Hüse Lajos (1970-) (szociológus, biológus)
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