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001-es BibID:BIBFORM015755
Első szerző:Beke Dezső László (fizikus)
Cím:Diffusion induced stresses / D. L. Beke, G. Opposits, I. A. Szabo
Megjegyzések:During interdiffusion usually a net volume flow arises, which leads to a stress-free deformation. This is equivalent to an elastic stress field, which?due to its long range character-depends on the boundary conditions (e.g. on the shape of the sample) as well. The effect of these diffusion-induced stresses strongly depends on the possible relaxation's (e.g. by creep or elastic bending) and their time scale as compared to the diffusion annealing time. The lecture will treat the possible origins of stress-free strains, and the possible effects of the stress field on the diffusion intermixing (across the driving force related to this field). Experimental examples when stresses of diffusional origin can lead to macroscopic failure of composite or layered materials (e.g. wires with coatings, contact points of microelectronics devices) as well as examples of stress stabilization of the structure (e.g. in multilayers) will be also presented.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:AIP Conference Proceedings : The fifth international workshop on stress induced phenomena in metallization. - 491 (1999), p. 77-88. -
További szerzők:Opposits Gábor (1974-) (fizikus, szoftver fejlesztő) Szabó István András (1956-) (fizikus)
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