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001-es BibID:BIBFORM016586
Első szerző:Kalmár Tünde (gépészmérnök)
Cím:Thermal comfort in low energy houses [elektronikus dokumentum] / Tünde Kalmár, András Zöld
Megjegyzések:The concepts of passive and low energy houses became fashionable in the last years; moreover the European Parliament initiated a proposal to build only near zero energy houses from 2019. It means that the overall heat loss coefficient of the building is decreased often by order. Due to the solar and internal gains the balance point temperature (below which heating system should be operated) decreases even below zero O Smaller random changes of indoor temperature occur in a random way. It would be waste of energy to start the back-up heating system in each case when the actual temperature falls below the set point. Switching on the heating system is reasonable only if the cooling down period is definitive. It means that the habitants will be exposed to transitional conditions: after some decrease of the indoor temperature at a decision point the system is switched on and the heating up of the house starts. C external temperature. Instead of consecutive months the heating season will consist of short periods of a few consecutive days as the "cool waves" occur in a random way in the winter months. The statistical data of these periods show that the length of cooling down periods is typically 3-4 days, the daily mean temperatures can be well approximated with a linear function of time; the response of the building is delayed and decremented.Omission false "alarms" results in energy saving, however it is questionable how the habitants react to this regime. Most of the comfort characteristics express the expected thermal sensation in steady state conditions. Nevertheless, in a transitional process the comfort sensation depends not only on the pure thermal conditions but on other mostly psychological factors. A series of tests has been carried out in the comfort laboratory of the University of Debrecen: the starting temperature and the regime of the heating up have been varied. Subjective votes and calculated PMV values have been compared. The results support the hypothesis that the rate of the change of the thermal environment is at least as important as the current thermal environment. Changes towards the neutral state are recognised and responded with a small delay. The worse the starting conditions are the most important and many times the faster is this effect. The risk of thermal discomfort is small since after the start of the heating system the habitants' subjective response will be fast and positive.
ISBN:978 84 693 6655 4
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Gépészeti tudományok tanulmány, értekezés
low energy building
passive house
balance temperature of heating
transient comfort conditions
Megjelenés:Design, technology, refurbishment and management of buildings, 37th IAHS World Congress of Housing, Santander (Spain), 26-29th October 2010 [elektronikus dokumentum]. - p. 1-8. -
További szerzők:Zöld András (1939-2023) (gépészmérnök, épületgépész)
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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