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001-es BibID:BIBFORM018637
Első szerző:Szabó György (geográfus, egyetemi tanár)
Cím:Water quality examination of the groundwater quality in a settlement of Eastern Hungary / Szabó György, Bessenyei Éva, Szabó Andrea
Megjegyzések:In our research the water quality of the groundwater wells was investigated in the eastern part of Hungary, in a small town, called Mikepércs situated on the SW edge of the Nyírség. The sewage network had not constructed in Mikepércs by the time of the research thus the inhabitants collected the sewage in septic tanks. In Mikepércs the tanks usually had not had adequate insulation therefore the majority of the sewage (more than 90% according to our estimations) was emitted into the soil. As there are sandy soils around the settlement the sewage can filter into the soil and reach the groundwater in 1.5-3 meter easily. According to our preliminary expectation we have detected significant pollution in most of the groundwater wells in Mikepércs, especially in point of orthophosphate, nitrate and ammonium were the concentrations of the pollutants much over the hygienic limit value. Besides animals watering rarely the groundwater is drunk by human so we can say that consuming of groundwater means human and animal health risk.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Eastern Hungary
water chemical analysis
groundwater pollution
health risk
Megjelenés:Scientific Annals, School of Geology. - 100 (2010), p. 127-131. -
További szerzők:Bessenyei Éva (1984-) (geográfus) Szabó Andrea
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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