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001-es BibID:BIBFORM018814
Első szerző:Gligora, Marija
Cím:Observations on the diatom Navicula hedinii Hustedt (Bacillariophyceae) and its transfer to a new genus Envekadea Van de Vijver et al. gen. nov. / Marija Gligora, Koraljka Kralj, Anđelka Plenković-Moraj, Friedel Hinz, Eva Acs, Istvan Grigorszky, Christine Cocquyt, Bart van de Vijver
Megjegyzések:The population of an unknown naviculoid diatom from Lake Vrana in Croatia was identified as Navicula hedinii, a species described in 1922 from a small lake in eastern Turkestan (China). This species has some similarities with Navicula pseudocrassirostris, a marine species found in European coastal waters. Based on the ultrastructure of the two species, they can no longer be included within the taxonomical concept of Navicula sensu stricto. Following a comparative morphological analysis of both species with genera bearing similar characters (Adlafia, Veigaludwigia, Kobayasiella, Cavinula, Stenoneis, Climaconeis, Berkeleya, Sellaphora, Cosmioneis), a new genus, Envekadea is proposed for the two species. The new genus is characterized by a sigmoid raphe course with golfclub-like terminal fissures deflected in opposite directions, the areolae covered by external porous hymenes and the presence of one chloroplast, H-shaped in valve view.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Envekadea gen. nov.
Envekadea pseudocrassirostris
Envekadea hedinii
Megjelenés:European Journal of Phycology. - 44 : 1 (2010), p. 123-138. -
További szerzők:Kralj, Koraljka Plenković-Moraj, Anđelka Hinz, Friedel Ács Éva Cocquyt, Christine Vijver, Bart, van de Grigorszky István (1967-) (biológus-ökológus)
Pályázati támogatás:OTKA
K 60452
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