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001-es BibID:BIBFORM020383
Első szerző:Madácsy László (Szeged)
Cím:Effect of nitric oxide on gallbladder motility in patients with acalculous biliary pain : a cholescintigraphic study / László Madácsy, Borbála Velősy, Attila Szepes, Zoltán Szilvássy, László Pávics, László Csernay, János Lonovics
Megjegyzések:AbstractThe aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of the exogenous nitric oxide donor glyceryl trinitrate on cerulein-induced gallbladder contraction in patients with acalculous biliary pain. Quantitative hepatobiliary scintigraphy was performed on 33 patients. From the 60th min cerulein (1 ng/kg body wt/min for 10 min intravenous) then from the 90th min the same dose of cerulein plus glyceryl trinitrate (0.5 mg sublingually) (21 patients) or placebo (12 patients) were administered and the gallbladder ejection fraction was measured repeatedly. After the first dose of caerulein, the gallbladder ejection fraction was less than 35% in 23 of 33 patients (nonresponders), while it was more than 35% in the remaining 10 patients (responders). After the second dose of cerulein in 16 nonresponder patients glyceryl trinitrate administration significantly increased the previously impaired gallbladder ejection fraction while in 7 nonresponder patients placebo administration had no effect. In conclusion, normalization of the gallbladder ejection fraction in the majority of patients following glyceryl trinitrate administration suggests that impairment of gallbladder emptying is caused by a functional motility disorder rather than any organic disease.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Gyógyszerészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
nitric oxide
gallbladder motility
acalculous biliary pain
Megjelenés:Digestive Diseases and Sciences. - 47 : 9 (2002), p. 1975-1981. -
További szerzők:Velősy Borbála (Szeged) Szepes Attila (Szeged) Pávics László (Szeged) Csernay László (Szeged) Lonovics János (Szeged) Szilvássy Zoltán (1957-) (belgyógyász, farmakológus, klinikai farmakológus)
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