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001-es BibID:BIBFORM022479
Első szerző:Dévai György (ökológus)
Cím:Adatok a Tisza-mente szitakötő-faunájához (Odonata). / Dévai György, Miskolczi Margit, Jakab Tibor, Csépes Eduárd, Mádi Péter Pál, Mátyus Balázs István, Schmidt Attila
Megjegyzések:ABSTRACT : The paper presents faunistical data on dragonflies collected (larvae, exuviae and adults) and observed (adults) along the River Tisza. The collections and observations were made in characteristic reaches of the river [Upper-Tisza between Tiszabecs and Dombrád, the bed dammed water bodies by two barrages (Tiszalöki-vízlépcső and Kiskörei-vízlépcső) between Dombrád and Kisköre, Middle-Tisza between Kisköre and Tiszaföldvár, Lower-Tisza bertween Tiszaföldvár and Tiszasziget], inclusive of the active floodplain area in the immediate neighbourhood. Firstly the authors present the methods employed in the collection and observation of the specimens and in data processing, and introduce the literature considered in the identification of species and in reporting faunistic data. Thereafter they provide a detailed survey of the results from the sampling sites and finally summarize and evaluate the data on the dragonfly fauna. Collections were made in four years (2002?2005), with the participation of 9 specialists on 85 days and 61 localities altogether, in 17 cells (DS 32, DS 33, DS 37, DT 31, DT 32, DT 53, DT 87, DT 88, EU 33, EU 43, EU 85, EU 93, EU 94, EU 95, FU 12, FU 32, FU 33) of the 10?10 km UTM grid map. In the report information on 6109 specimens (2894 males, 3151 females and 64 specimens with undecided sex) is given in detail [98 larvae (40 males, 34 females, 24 specimens with undecided sex), 5666 exuviae (2678 males, 2948 females, 40 specimens with undecided sex), 345 adults (176 males, 169 females)], representing altogether 659 faunistical data (10 larvae, 446 exuviae, 203 adults). In this study 31 species (13 Zygoptera and 18 Anisoptera) were found to occur in the area, out of which 1 belongs to the very frequent, 17 to the frequent, 7 to the less frequent, 3 to the rare and 3 to the sporadic class of country-wide occurrence frequency.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Hungarian faunistical results
dragonflies (Odonata)
bed and active floodplain area of River Tisza
collection data.
Megjelenés:Studia odonatologica hungarica. - 10 (2009), p. 39-55. -
További szerzők:Miskolczi Margit (1954-) (ökológus) Jakab Tibor Csépes Eduárd (1973-) Mádi Péter Pál Mátyus Balázs István Schmidt Attila
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