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001-es BibID:BIBFORM030581
Első szerző:Haller J.
Cím:Compression of the pituitary stalk elicits chronic increases in CSF vasopressin, oxytocin as well as in social investigation and aggressiveness / J. Haller, G. B. Makara, I. Barna, K. Kovács, J. Nagy, M. Vecsernyés
Megjegyzések:The neurochemical and behavioural effects of a novel stereotaxic surgical method developed for interrupting the nerve fibres running through the rat pituitary stalk to the posterior pituitary gland was studied. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT) content as well as changes in aggressiveness were measured in rats one week and one month after the surgical intervention. The main results are as follows: (1) the compression of the pituitary stalk elicits a chronic increase in water consumption, as well as in CSF vasopressin and oxytocin content; (2) the surgical intervention increased the frequency of clinch fighting after one week. The increase in aggressiveness accentuated after one month and, in addition, operated animals showed reduced scores of resting while exploratory and social behaviours increased; (3) there was a strong positive correlation between water consumption, vasopressin, and aggressiveness; (4) oxytocin changes showed a positive correlation with variation in social behaviour. The surgical intervention may serve as a model for lesions of the pituitary stalk and formation of ectopic neurohypophyses in humans.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
arginine vasopressin
social behaviour
diabetes insipidus
egyetemen (Magyarországon) készült közlemény
Megjelenés:Journal of Neuroendocrinology. - 8 : 5 (1996), p. 361-365. -
További szerzők:Makara Gábor B. Barna I. Kovács K. (Budapest) Nagy J. (Budapest) Vecsernyés Miklós (1959-) (gyógyszertechnológus, endokrinológus)
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