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001-es BibID:BIBFORM032417
Első szerző:Benkhard Borbála
Cím:Relations Between IUCN-Zoning and Tourism in the Hungarian National Parks / Benkhard Borbála
Megjegyzések:Within the 100.000 km2 area of Hungary, which is located in Central Europe, 10% is protected.The National Park Directorates make an effort to suit the requirements of the IUCN and strive to developa zoning system. However, the settling of the zones meet had to face many difficulties in this relativelysmall country, which also has dense regional structure. The extent and the fragmentation of the nationalparks, the position and threatening of their natural values and the previous utilization and naturalness oftheir area all influence the classification of the given area. Besides, attractions, tourist destinations and theareas which are used by tourists also have to be taken into consideration during the development of thezones. The aim of this poster is to analyse the role of the position, shape and rates of the zones and theirconnection with tourism.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok konferenciacikk
nemzeti park
Megjelenés:Metlan työraportteja : Policies, methods and tools for visitor management : proceedings of the second International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas. - 2 (2004), p. 377-381. -
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