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001-es BibID:BIBFORM038695
Első szerző:Ilyés István (gyermekgyógyász, gyermekendokrinológus, háziorvos)
Cím:Pajzsmirigy-hyperplasia és -adenoma a gyermekkorban / Ilyés István
Megjegyzések:Iodine deficient goiter is a typical form of thyroid hyperplasia, and it is the most frequent cause of euthyroid goiter of children in iodine deficient areas. Its pathogenesis is based on adaptation to iodine deficiency. Increased stimulation by TSH as well as increased responsiveness to TSH and adaptation with autonomy to iodine deficiency are the essential pathogenetic factors. Growth factos and other locally active factors have permissive role, and environmental and genetic factors play also a role in goitrogenesis. Hyperthyroid autonom adenoma is the typical form of thyroid adenoma, it can be detected very rarely in childhood. In its pathogenesis the role of a long term thyroid stimulation has been emphasised, and nowadays it is accepted that somatic activating mutation of TSH-receptors and GSA-protein, which has key role in development of TSH effects, are the essential pathogenetic factors. Beside epigenetic factors, including increased iodine dependent apoptosis of thyrocytes and increased local IGF-I production, also have influencing effects. Diagnosis of iodine deficient goiter in childhood is based on physical and ultrasound examination, laboratory data proving euthyroidism and verifying iodine deficiency. Its therapy consists of iodine deficiency. Its therapy consists of iodine supplementation and/or thyroid hormone administration. Prevention can be reached by adequate iodine intake. Possibility of autonom thyroid adenoma may be emerged by detection hyperthyroid nodular goiter without signs of autoimmunity. Diagnosis can be established by thyroid scintigraphy. The treatment is surgical (enucleation). Prevention and appropriate treatment of iodine deficient goiter in childhood mean the prevention of autonom thyroid adenoma becase of the role of iodine deficiency in development of thyroid autonomy.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
jódhiányos strúma
autonom adenoma
a pajzsmirigy autoregulációja
szomatikus mutációk
epigenetikus tényezők
egyetemen (Magyarországon) készült közlemény
Megjelenés:Gyermekgyógyászat. - 52 : 5 (2001), p. 441-449. -
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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