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001-es BibID:BIBFORM040773
035-os BibID:PMID:2625314
Első szerző:Berta András (szemész, gyermekszemész)
Cím:Eine Neue Methode Zur Semiquantitativen Alpha-1-Antitrypsinbestimmung In Der Menschlichen Tränenflüssigkeit = A new method for semi-quantitative alpha 1-antitrypsin determination in human tear fluid [] / A. Berta, P. Vamosi, J. Tozser
Megjegyzések:We developed a simple and rapid semiquantitative method for the determination of alpha-1-antitrypsin (alpha-1-AT) in human tears. It is a modification of Endre's method (1974) which was originally developed for the determination of serum alpha-1-AT. A filter paper disc saturated with trypsin was placed on the light-sensitive side of a color slide that had been developed unexposed. The trypsin digested the gelatine layers containing different stains and the film under the filter paper showed various colors depending on the trypsin content of the filter paper and the duration of digestion. If the filter paper discs saturated with trypsin had been treated with 5 microliters of tears before film digestion, the trypsin inhibitors in the tears partially or totally inhibited the digestion of the layers with different stains. Four grades of tear trypsin inhibitor capacity were differentiated on the basis of the inhibition of film digestion. These grades correspond to four alpha-1-AT concentration ranges: I greater than 150 micrograms/ml; II = 50-150 micrograms/ml; III = 15-50 micrograms/ml; IV less than 15 micrograms/ml. The concentration ranges were determined by radial immune diffusion. Alpha-1-AT was determined in the tears of 14 normal and 36 pathological eyes using the film digestion method. This method has been found to be suitable for rapid clinical and screening examinations and for the diagnosis of different types of keratitis.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
egyetemen (Magyarországon) készült közlemény
Megjelenés:Fortschritte der Ophthalmologie. - 86 : 6 (1989), p. 773-776. -
További szerzők:Vámosi Péter (1964-) (szemorvos) Tőzsér József (1959-) (molekuláris biológus, biokémikus, vegyész)
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