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001-es BibID:BIBFORM041608
Első szerző:Fodor Bertalan
Cím:Changing paradigm in the determination of serum creatinine and in the assessment of glomerular filtration / Bertalan Fodor, Adrienn Szalai, Éva Kiss-Tóth, Péter Koska, Miklós Papp, Emőke Kiss-Tóth, László Barkai
Megjegyzések:A wide range of creatinine measurement method spreaded in the world. The national laboratories have different analytical procedures to perform all these tests. The diagnostic kits from different manufacturers using different methods cause significantly different creatinine values even in the same patient as well. Particularly in many cases is difficult the comparison of results and transferability of data between laboratories. The uncertainty of ceratinine measurement is a very important practical question in the routine eGFR (MDRD calculation method mainly) reporting. The authors summarize their work in the harmonization of creatinine determination system and its impact on the calculation of eGFR.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok konferenciacikk
egyetemen (Magyarországon) készült közlemény
Megjelenés:Laboratórna Diagnostika. - 16 : 1-2 (2011), p. 24-30. -
További szerzők:Juhászné Szalai Adrienn Kiss-Tóth Éva (1983-) (biológus) Koska Péter Papp Miklós Kiss-Tóth Emőke Barkai László (1958-) (gyermekgyógyász)
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