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001-es BibID:BIBFORM054353
Első szerző:Wieringa, Gijsbert
Cím:The EC4 European Syllabus for Post-Graduate Training in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine : version 4 - 2012 / Gijsbert Wieringa, Simone Zerah, Rob Jansen, Ana-Maria Simundic, José Queralto, Bogdan Solnica, Damien Gruson, Karel Tomberg, Leena Riittinen, Hannsjörg Baum, Jean-Philippe Brochet, Gerald Buhagiar, Charis Charilaou, Camelia Grigore, Anders H. Johnsen, Janos Kappelmayer, Nada Majkic-Singh, Giuseppe Nubile, John O'Mullane, Matthias Opp, Silvija Pupure, Jaroslav Racek, Henrique Reguengo, Demetrios Rizos, Dunja Rogic, Július Špaňár, Greta Štrakl, Thomas Szekeres, Kamen Tzatchev, Dalius Vitkus, Pierre Wallemacq, Hans Wallinder
Megjegyzések:Laboratory medicine's practitioners across the Europeancommunity include medical, scientifi c and pharmacy trainedspecialists whose contributions to health and healthcare isin the application of diagnostic tests for screening and earlydetection of disease, differential diagnosis, monitoring,management and treatment of patients, and their prognosticassessment. In submitting a revised common syllabus forpost-graduate education and training across the 27 memberstates an expectation is set for harmonised, high quality,safe practice. In this regard an extended ♭Core knowledge,skills and competencies' division embracing all laboratorymedicine disciplines is described. For the fi rst time the syllabusidentifi es the competencies required to meet clinicalleadership demands for defi ning, directing and assuringthe effi ciency and effectiveness of laboratory services aswell as expectations in translating knowledge and skillsinto ability to practice. In a ♭Specialist knowledge' division,the expectations from the individual disciplines of ClinicalChemistry/Immunology, Haematology/Blood Transfusion,Microbiology/ Virology, Genetics and In Vitro Fertilisationare described. Beyond providing a common platform ofknowledge, skills and competency, the syllabus supports theaims of the European Commission in providing safeguardsto increasing professional mobility across European bordersat a time when demand for highly qualifi ed professionals isincreasing and the labour force is declining. It continues toact as a guide for the formulation of national programmessupplemented by the needs of individual country priorities.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. - 50 : 8 (2012), p. 1317-1328. -
További szerzők:Zérah, Simone Jansen, Rob Simundic, Ana-Maria Queralto, Josep Solnica, Bogdan Gruson, Damien Tomberg, Karel Riittinen, Leena Baum, Hannsjörg Brochet, Jean-Philippe Buhagiar, Gerald Charilaou, Charis Grigore, Camelia Johnsen, Anders Kappelmayer János (1960-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos) Majkic-Singh, Nada Nubile, Giuseppe O'Mullane, John Opp, Matthias Pupure, Silvija Racek, Jaroslav Reguengo, Henrique Rizos, Demetrios Rogic, Dunja Špaňár, Július Štrakl, Greta Szekeres, Thomas Tzatchev, Kamen Vitkus, Dalius Wallemacq, Pierre Wallinder, Hans
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